Guilty until proven innocent? You must be on benefit…

I found the following gem in my search-engine slush pile this morning –  “people on DLA who shouldn’t be”.

This pisses me off in so many ways. First of all, most people have no idea who’s getting DLA and who isn’t, and even if they do know, they are unlikely to be so privy to the minutiae of a person’s life that they know for sure whether or not they are disabled. Not all disability is visible.

Most people tend to judge purely by appearances, which is massively stupid – you simply can’t do that. For example, I look perfectly well most of the time, but I’m not. For a variety of reasons (if you really want to know, read the About page), everything I do hurts, usually severely – even lying in bed is painful, as is typing this. You can’t tell that from my appearance (other than, at times, I do look pissed off – you would, too). Or anybody else’s appearance, for that matter – you simply can’t see pain. You can only experience it.

Also, just like anyone else with severe COPD, an opportunistic infection could take me off tomorrow, or next week. Or in 10 year’s time – there is simply no way of knowing. You can’t tell that from my appearance either.

I do wish, though, that you self-righteous arse-holes could get to experience what it’s like to be me (or any other disabled person), for a while.

So, you may know someone who is getting DLA, but unless you’re related to them, or they’ve actually told you (which would be pretty bloody stupid), how can you possibly know they’re not entitled to it? You can’t. Most people simply object to others getting benefits like DLA because they’re not getting it – instead of giving thanks for the fact that they don’t actually need it.

And as you may have noticed, the government’s latest wizard wheeze is to financially reward people for shopping “benefit cheats” – I can just see the sort of person who types that enquiry into Google counting their ill-gotten gains already.

Think on this, though. For any crime, even the most heinous, you have the right to face and challenge your accuser(s) in court, and the prosecution has to prove your guilt. For years now, though, people have been able to anonymously report anybody for crimes they may not have committed – benefit fraud – without having to provide the slightest proof. Nor does the accused get to face their accuser. Instead, they have to prove their own innocence.

And they don’t always get their day in court, either – the DWP stormtroopers have the right to massively invade every aspect of their lives, even to rummaging through their bank accounts (and if you though that was private, think again), without so much as a by-your-leave. It’s only the occasional guilty person who winds up in court, in the full glare of publicity. All those thousands who have had their lives hugely disrupted for no good reason are never heard from, or about.

Welcome to Britain 2010 – Stalin would be proud.

If you are claiming disability benefits, you might want to take a look at the Social Security Fraud Act, 2001 – you can find it here. It’s pretty tedious reading, but do persevere, because if you think you have the same rights accorded the fit and the well, the employed and the two-parent families, then you’re in for a shock.

Suspected terrorists probably have more human rights than do the chronically sick and disabled, the one-parent families, and the unemployed.

In no crime other than (alleged) benefit fraud is there an automatic assumption of guilt, not even if you’re caught standing over a corpse with a smoking gun in your hand. Especially if you actually are guilty, but opt for the “some other guy did it” defence.

There may be no evidence to support your defence, and truckloads in support of your guilt, but here’s the thing – you are still entitled to be considered innocent until proven guilty at trial. The reverse of what happens if you’re accused of benefit fraud.

And now this fuckwit government wants to provide financial incentives to enable even more scurrilous retards to maliciously shop anyone on benefit that they take a dislike to (you should see some of the comments on this blog), without actually having to provide the slightest evidence. And to do so from the cowardly shelter of anonymity is not only pathetic, it’s entirely improper.

Anyone accusing someone of benefit fraud (the whole concept of the “shop a benefit cheat anonymously” system is irredeemably flawed), should only be able to do so if, as for any other crime, there’s actually some evidence that a crime has been committed. As things stand – and I see no prospect of change, not with this government or the next – if you’re claiming benefits, as far as the law is concerned it’s open season, and you’re guilty until you can prove yourself innocent.

And actually being innocent isn’t the shoo-in you might reasonably expect it to be.

3 thoughts on “Guilty until proven innocent? You must be on benefit…

  1. Hi Ron, and thankyou so much for making me feel I am not alone! I have ME/ FM, and am currently facing a tribunal over benefit fraud, after which the DWP intend to prosecute me apparently. They have used a witness statement which was clearly written by the Fraud Investigators and not the so-called witness, due to the number of factual errors in there, as well as the whole thing being a total fabrication. They have also apparently seen me change gear in my car- quite strange considering I drive an automatic and only have a license for such! They also think I should not leave the house, smoke, talk to people or even smile apparently. As if ME and FM didn’t make me feel bad enough, well done to the DWP for making the last year of my and my family’s life utterly miserable, and incredibly difficult financially.

  2. Imaginary disability fraud is on the rise. The things we are accused of just keep getting more and more preposterous. It’s a wonderful world when selfish coworkers decide to report you. (I guess we are liars if we have functional days) I’ve been doing my best not to lose it after having found myself jammed underneath heavy equipment at my part time job. Hmm, strange how they pressured me about my personal situation just before this so called ‘accident’. I still have massive headaches from the concussion. (There’s nothing quite like this when my fibro decides to be a snit) The rude comments from strangers, people yelling and screeching, being stalked, and the people I don’t know making a huge production about waving at me do not help my PTSD and Social Anxiety at all. What else am I this week? A murderer? A racist? Do I eat babies? I wish there was a way to report the people who make the fraud reports. I can think of an entire town of haters who need to be stalked by Gov. Just think, if we fine them a huge amount of money for false reporting we may be able to fix a good chunk of deficit 😉 My good reputation has been ruined. I wish none of you have to go through any of this.

  3. I agree totall with all that’s been said so far, i suffer from Fybro, M.E, and acute depression.
    My husband left me after 27yrs and i was forced to sell my home a year later, our son who lived with us was forced to find a home for himself, however, i had become suicidal and intended to take my life and asked my lawyer to pay all proceeds of the house to my son so he could rehome him self.

    because i hadnt taken my life i have been charged with benefit fraud, case is that i gave the proceeds of the house away to a family member in order to decieve them and claim benefit. during the last three years there has been continual persicution fired at me from all the benefits agencies, i was homeless for three years, all benefits were stopped and half of my DLA has been arrested.

    I have to appear at a tribunal on the 2nd of december to face my accusers and explain why i did’nt go through with the plan to end my life. They have had their hand in at ripping what is left of my life appart by accessing every part of my life and making the thought of sucide a beautiful peacfull escape from the mental torcher they have inflicted on me along with my husband who left me because i have chornic ill health. what to do?

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