Thoughts about DLA, PIP – and Mobility Allowance!

Call-me-Dave is a mendacious sack of shit. Of course, we all know that, and make allowances – it’s when he tells the truth, or the part of it that pleases the Daily Mail, that we have problems.

He said, today “Everyone on all sides of the house should recognise that DLA does need reform. There are 130,000 people on DLA who have not had a claim revised at all since the benefit was introduced in 1992. There are three quarters of a million people who have had the same claim for ten years and no contact from the department.”

1992? I haven’t had any contact since Continue reading

The Metropolitan Police – not a force for good…

Apologies for not posting sooner – I was pretty much out of it yesterday.

This morning, most papers carry versions of this information:- Of the 201 people taken into custody on Saturday, 149 have been charged – 138 of them, for taking part in the Fortnum’s protest, with aggravated trespass . And only 11 people busted for other offences? Seems an unfeasibly low figure.

That’s 138 people who staged a Continue reading

Hyde Park Occupation

Republished from TUC website. If you have a blog, please republish. Or Tweet, or whatever you can do to thwart the Facebook ban.


Facebook have kindly cancelled the facebook events (Stay 4 One Day, Seed Drop etc) not to mention accounts that were linked to the events. Apparently we aren’t allowed our own facebook revolution (too many paid advertisers in the west) 😀

Please help us get the word out by posting on your blogs, tweeting and changing your facebook status to the following in solidarity!

“PLS SPREAD! Hyde Park Occupation is still on, cops closed FB event and accounts. More information