Falling literacy standards online…

Can’t write? Don’t write…

I’ve complained here,  previously, about the piss-poor standard of English usage at the online version of the Guardian (which, for all I know, extends into the printed version too, but I’m not paying 90p a day to find out). This article, though, is simply execrable.

I’m not familiar with the writer, who is billed as the Guardian’s technology correspondent, but this standard of writing in a professional journalist is a disgrace. And, of course, it does raise the question of just what the sub-editors – whose job it is to winnow this sort of crap and ensure it never sees the light of day – are actually doing these days. Whatever it is, it seems not to be sub-editing.

Here’s a thought, and this applies to everyone writing for a newspaper, or any other medium – the fact that you’re writing online is not an excuse for abandoning standards. That’s insulting to your readers, in a blog as much as a newspaper.