Never mind the Jubilee – this country is going to hell in a handbasket!

Note: Handbasket is the correct term. It is absolutely not handcart!


This country’s monarch provides – in theory at least – the last bastion against government extremism by withholding the royal assent from potentially damaging legislation.

While it has become traditional in the UK for the monarch to effectively rubber-stamp legislation, the power of  veto still exists** – all that’s lacking is the will to use it.

**It resides in the monarch’s Reserve Powers not used since 1708, which is no reason why they can’t be. Those same powers can also be used to dismiss a Prime Minister, and if ever one deserved to be shown the door, it’s Cameron, not least because of his lies, but also because he has no mandate whatsoever for the damage he’s inflicting upon the citizens of this country, and because of the increasingly apparent corruption in his government.

Now, though, with the Queen having blithely signed away the Welfare State which her father signed into law, via the NHS bill, not to mention Continue reading