Time to avoid meat for a while…

It is, I think, time to give meat-based ready meals a wide berth for a while, until the problems with horse meat of extremely dubious provenance – or none at all – are finally sorted out. As I explained in this post, it’s not about horsemeat per se – I actually like the stuff – it’s all about unknown quality and potential risks to health – and mine is so fucked up right now I’m not risking anything making me worse (right now, aside from the ever-present nausea, it’s like I’m looking at the screen through broken glass).

I also seem to be back into the cycle of nocturnal diarrhoea and vomiting again. WTF that’s about I still have little to no idea. Why, for example, only at night? The trigger, though, was fish fingers (Birds Eye have a new, battered variety – good, but a bit stingy with the fish though), and it seems that fried food is off the menu now, along with Continue reading